sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2015



Often there is an inner struggle when you start praying in tongues. Your soul does not want to pray, but the secret is perseverance.
There never give up and continue to practice, because then you will reap the rewards.
Galatians 6:08 "But he that soweth to the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Now I want to put a chapter of my book, "The Holy Spirit wants to fill you."

"I had come from a missionary journey, tired physical and emotionally, to take another job in a ministry that was also in crisis." God opened me an opportunity to participate in a prophetic conference, and through worship the Holy Spirit renewed my strength. I became a new man, and the Lord gave to my heart what I share with you later.

I came back excited to meet the new challenges. Later, the Holy Spirit has placed in my heart, invest time in the lives of young people who were youth leaders and also share what he had taught me.

We begin to gather all the Wednesdays and the Holy Spirit visited us in a noite.Terminamos the study and were orar.A anointing of joy came upon us, and everyone started laughing, until a brother who was kind silent received the anointing .

Saturday was the cult of youth, and it happened again the same anointing. Some were so drunk the Spirit, which had to be carried in the arms. We were excited, I had never seen anything like it.
We decided to climb the hill and make a oração.Muitos vigil were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and others received the gift profecia.Houve of those who had to go down the hill loaded because could not stand so much power.

In another study day with young people, when we pray, began to appear gold dust in our hands, and in the same cult following happened coisa.Houve, however, a sister that was gold dust on his face and even washing never left.
"And in all was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. Acts 2:43

"Many signs and wonders were done among the people by the apostles ...." Acts 5:12
The Holy Spirit had even more. There was a cult in which he visited us with a wave of eletricidade.Alguns began to tremble under the Deus.Isso power was letting people hungrier and more in love with Him.

Persevere, Do not Give Up, Get this revelation;
Languages ​​in prayer is the key to the Supernatural
Languages ​​in prayer is the key to the Spiritual Gifts
Languages ​​in prayer is the key to Revelations
Languages ​​in prayer is the key to Victory Total

Get up, start practicing and praying in tongues all dias.Agora you will learn about the basics of praying in tongues.

Pastor Ariston Junior

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